Achieve a Better Quality of Life with Less Jaw Pain

TMJ Therapy - Point Pleasant, NJ



If you’re able to open and close your mouth without any issues, this means your temporomandibular joints are working properly. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case for everyone. These small joints are what connect your jaw to your skull. When they become inflamed, this can create problems for your oral and facial structure mobility. Chewing, swallowing, laughing, talking, and even yawning can become difficult and even painful.

At Coastal Dental Group, we can offer TMJ Therapy in Point Pleasant, NJ to improve your jaw function and ultimately, enhance your quality of life. If you are searching for a dentist in Point Pleasant who can provide the type of treatment you need to relieve your chronic jaw pain, call us or book an appointment today.

Types of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

There are three different types of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD):muscle disorders, joint-derangement disorders, and degenerative/inflammatory joint disorders.

During your initial consultation, our dental team will ask some questions so we can identify which type of TMJ disorder you have, which allows us to better treat your problem.


Muscle Disorders

The most common form of TMD is a muscle disorder. When pain radiates from your jaw muscles and joints, there is likely some underlying problem that is attributing to the discomfort.


Joint-Derangement Disorders

In layman’s terms, this type of disorder is associated with severe facial trauma (i.e. broken/fractured jaw), bruxism (teeth grinding/clenching), or overuse of your jaw. This type of TMD is considered to be more structural than muscular and can also be the result of a bite that is either poorly aligned or dislocated.


Degenerative/Inflammatory Joint Disorders

If you are an older individual who is beginning to experience soreness and inflammation with your jaw, you likely have a degenerative or inflamed joint disorder. This can occur over time due to overuse and/or age. Most cases are due to rheumatoid arthritis or a punctured TMJ disc.

Causes of TMJ Disorder

Although it would be nice to attribute TMJ disorder to a single cause; it’s not that simple. There are many reasons TMJ disorder can develop, including

  • A misaligned bite
  • Tooth loss
  • Arthritis/Aging
  • The jaw is misaligned either on the top or bottom
  • Severe facial trauma
  • Bruxism

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

If you suffer from TMD, the most identifiable symptom is usually pain and soreness. However, there are additional symptoms that can arise, such as:

  • Difficulty chewing or opening/closing your mouth
  • Increased swelling on one or both sides of your face
  • Chronic jaw and/or ear pain
  • Extreme discomfort in your neck, face, and shoulders
  • Jaw begins to pop or make a clicking sound when you open your mouth

While most people will notice one or more of these symptoms developing, you may not realize they are occurring until your situation is severe. Either way, you should make sure to seek treatment sooner rather than later to prevent worsening conditions.

How to Diagnose TMJ Disorder

If you think you might have TMJ disorder, the first thing you should do is contact us and schedule an appointment.

We perform many tests before making an official diagnosis. You can expect to undergo everything from a bite and clench test, X-rays, a potential MRI/CT scan, or what is known as Joint-vibration analysis.

Since most of the above-mentioned symptoms can also be associated with other health-related problems, our team will work closely with a physical therapist to ensure a full exam occurs to provide a clearer diagnosis.

How to Treat TMJ Disorder

Once we have identified that you do have TMD, the next step is to treat it.

The severity will determine which type of treatment we provide. Since stress can be a large factor for individuals who are prone to bruxism and ultimately develop TMJ disorder, we will work with you to identify ways in which you can decrease your stress levels.

You might also receive a customized oral appliance that minimizes teeth grinding and reduces additional pressure on your jaw.

Other treatment methods may include:

  • Laser therapy
  • Ice packs
  • Incorporating more soft foods into your diet to prevent overuse of your jaw muscles and joints
  • Avoiding movements that will require extreme use of your jaw
  • Injections for pain relief (more extensive care)
  • Surgery (This is only used if the joint is damaged and other methods of treatment are unsuccessful)

TMJ Therapy in Point Pleasant, NJ

While Dr. Zicchino provides general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry to the Point Pleasant area, he specializes in TMJ therapy and dental implants.

If you think you may be suffering from TMJ disorder, call us today at 732-714-1030 or schedule an appointment.